What your typical Air Conditioner and Furnace May Look Like
Among the leading ways to reduce furnace breakdowns and make sure it runs efficiently is with yearly scheduled tune-ups to your furnace. Just like any mechanical equipment, the life of a furnace will be extended with preventive maintenance, which ensures that all the elements of the unit are working perfectly. In addition, regular cleanings can help pinpoint issues before they become big problems. You can avoid eventual loss of heat during the winter and high cost repairs by scheduling an annual furnace tune-up.
What Does a Furnace Tune-Up Include?
However, for maximum value, you want a service provider like Art Douglas Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning that offers a complete tune-up package that will verify all aspects of your furnace and venting. As you consider scheduling your furnace tune-up, make sure that the your city area HVAC company will provide:
Full inspection. The service should include a full visual and point review to check all the working parts of your furnace and duct system. An experienced service technician should be able to identify any concerns or signs of excessive wear during this review.
Lubrication. Mechanical equipment needs lubrication to prevent friction between the operating parts. Your equipment tune-up should include a complete lubrication.
Pilot and gas pressure evaluation. As part of your tune-up, adjustments should be made to the pilot and gas pressure as needed to return these elements to manufacturer specifications.
Written assessment. Quality HVAC companies will also give you their analysis in writing or on the receipt with your tune-up, including their professional maintenance suggestions for the next year. This important information can help you determine the current condition of your furnace and outline ways to lower your energy bills.
This annual service can significantly improve the performance of your furnace, plus ready you to any possible issues before you and your family wake up to a freezing house some your city evening. Try to hire a company that offers a full-service tune-up to cover all possible issues to keep your furnace running great all year round. Contact us today! http://www.artdouglasplumbing.com/contact-us
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